
Hey. My name is Amraah Ifhaam and I want to share with you my experience in English 21007.

The writing for engineer class was engaging, and I gained a new experience. Unlike the traditional English class, this class had a variety of writing assignments related to engineering. This class had high expectations as it also has a strict grading policy. Most of the assignments have opened my mind to think like a professional. Professor Rodwell’s teacher’s feedback and peer review helped improve my writing.

At times this class was challenging, there were days that I wanted to give up, but I knew these challenges are what that will help in the future. Before I started this course, I told myself that I’m a good writer. Now, I can say with confidence, I’m a good writer. This class not only opened my thinking to learn the requirements and writing format related to engineering but has given me the knowledge of writing at an advanced level. Immediately, I can identify what my writing lacks in the information. I noticed my writing has improved. Most importantly, I’ve learned the significance of writing a paper at least a week early to receive a better outcome. The course learning outcomes are similar to my writing goals, except it is more advanced.

Some of my successful assignments are the memo, lab report analysis, technical description, and finally, my writing proposal. The memo was written to the president of the city college regarding an issue on campus with a recommended solution. For the Lab Report Analysis, we had to analyze three sample lab reports by compare and contrast from the CUNY database based on the content and format. The technical description is a written and visual representation of an object of choice. It required a detailed description of the object, describing the object’s appearance, and how each part and sub-parts work separately and together. The Proposal project was to write a research paper on the innovation that solves a problem.

Some of the Course learning outcomes accomplished in the memo were to acknowledge others’ range of linguistic differences and to negotiate my own writing goals and audience expectations regarding the convention of the genre, medium, and rhetorical situation. For this assignment, I decided to have a support system, so I made an appointment to meet someone at the writing center to get help. The lady helped revise the work and advised me to get directly to the point. Overall, I learned to understand the purpose of writing a memo and its significant format. And that it is important to be specific on the problem and give a realistic recommendation.

The Lab Report Analysis essay allowed me to accomplish course learning outcomes numbers five, seven, and eight. To engage in genre analysis and to explore effective writing across disciplinary contexts and beyond and strengthening source using summarizing, analyzing, and citing sources. And practice using the library resources. I explored in writing an essay analysis of three sample lab reports found from the CUNY database. Then, I compared and contrast the format and content of each other. This assignment helped me identify where exactly I struggled in the process of analysis.

In the technical description essay, I learned to negotiate my own writing goal and using the internet to locate sources appropriate to my writing. Here, I learned how to separate each paragraph with its sensible title. And how to describe the parts and sub-parts of the technology. I also learned to be careful with finding my resources because it’s important to use legitimate sources.

For the writing proposal project, research was the key to collecting adequate information. Here, I accomplished with formulating and articulating a stance through my writing by strongly suggesting my proposal to the audience. I learned that the tone of the research paper greatly determines the message. For example, I strongly suggested short-term memory patients can regain their memory with the use of a USB flash drive.

As you can see, this class has a workload, but we get enough time to work on them. It was overwhelming at first. As time passed, I learned to cope with it. For this class, I had to motivate myself continuously to get the grade I deserve because of the effort I put into it and to do better on the next assignment. I’m glad I chose this class because I’ve learned so much about writing, grammar, research method, format, etc.